星期一, 4月 25, 2005

2005 連三馬之檢討

3-27國道, 4-10金石, 4-24八里左岸, 每個比賽只隔兩週, 但每個比賽都有"必須"報名的理由. 雖然擔心負荷過大, 但決定抱著做實驗的心情, 且戰且走.

3-27國道最早登場, 原以為路況佳, 是創PR的好路線. 無奈控速不佳, 導致38K時提早落馬起走, 拖到終點時看到照相機, 勉強起跑, 不料兩腳抽筋, 幾乎無法站立, 多虧蔡董及康康的大力扶持, 才沒跌在地上. 411算是還好.

4-10金石又是配速太快, 加上海邊炎熱潮濕的天氣, 30k就掛掉, 提早放棄, 要不是遇見俊哥, 我可能一路走回終點. 456差點破五小時大關.

4- 24八里左岸是最後一馬, 不求有功但求無過的小心待之. 從一開始就緊盯HRM, 一過155就減速, 直到折返點, 已落後許多熟面孔. 接著更減速至150以下, 輕鬆愉快看風景. 至32k處開始慢慢加速, 覺得狀況不錯, 便從34k處火力全開的衝回終點. 418比起原來預定的430快了許多. 這也是第一次跑馬進終點, 仍精力充沛, 覺得好的有些怪怪的.

Below are what I learn from the past 30 days.
  1. Pacing is critical.
  2. HRM is usful.
  3. Taper & recovery are both important in the continuous marathons.

星期四, 4月 21, 2005

倫敦馬拉松賽孫英傑失利 早餐涼牛奶導致胃痙攣

From 新華網




據王德顯回憶,比賽當天的早晨,孫英傑喝了一些牛奶,並吃了一些奶酪和麵包。“以 前她都是喝熱牛奶,不過這次喝的是涼的,所以問題可能就出在這裡。”王德顯說,“孫英傑已經有10年沒發生過這樣的事情了,所以這次突然出現胃痙攣,的確 非常意外。不過到底是出於什麼原因,還要等體檢以後才能確定。”



Side Stitch

From http://www.hhp.ufl.edu/keepingfit/ARTICLE/stitch.HTM

Patrick J. Bird, Ph.D.
Keeping Fit
Column 675

Q. What at causes a "side stitch" when running? I experience it every so often when running hard. Also, my daughter, who is starting to run with me, gets it about every time we go for a run. What can be done about it?

A. Many of us have experienced this cramp like pain. It usually strikes when performing vigorous, upright, jolting activities such as running (particularly when going down hill) and aerobic dancing. Cyclists and swimmers, however, are not immune to the experience.

The "stitch" is felt on the side, just below the ribs. Sometimes it is accompanied by a stabbing pain in the shoulder joint. It can be briefly excruciating, with some discomfort lasting several days. And the desire to avoid this pain can turn kids and adults alike into life long coach potatoes. The "stitch" is generally not known to indicate or lead to anything serious.

The cause of the problem is not fully understood. There are two main theories. One is that the diaphragm cramps during exercise because blood is shunted away from this respiratory muscle to meet the increased fuel requirements of the exercising muscles. The second theory, which seems to have the most support, is that the "stitch" comes from the tugging of organs on the diaphragm. That is, ligaments supporting the stomach, liver and spleen are also attached to the diaphragm, and the bouncing of these organs during exercise places stress on the diaphragm. Since this tension is greatest where the diaphragm attaches to the ribs, the pain is felt mostly under the ribs. There seems to be no explanation of why the pain is sometimes also in the shoulder.

Stich Stoppers. Fortunately, there are techniques that may help you or your daughter relieve or prevent the problem. To relieve a "stitch" here are some things to try. :

Lie down with your hips elevated. This can provide immediate relief and help differentiate the "stitch" from other conditions, including chest pain due to heart disease.

Do some "oblique" situps – that is, on the way up in the situp, twist toward the side of the pain.

While running, contract your stomach muscles, lean a little forward, and push your hand against the site of the pain. Also, as you breath out, don’t release all the air from your lungs and resist the expiration of air with pursed lips.

To decrease the risk of getting a "stitch":

Exercise on a relatively empty stomach. That means waiting two or three hours before exercising after a meal.

Avoid consuming a lot of fluids at one time. To stay hydrated drink, take small amounts of fluid, preferably a sports drink or water, at intervals before and during the run.

Strengthen your stomach muscles.

Finally, follow a progressive training schedule that incrementally increases the exercise intensity and duration. Start easy and build slowly.