星期四, 12月 23, 2004

ING marathon 之結果與檢討

1. 天氣非常好, 一路陰天加上一小段時間小雨. 氣溫約21'c上下.
2. 幾乎全程柏油路, 軟硬適中.
3. 里程標示清楚, aid station & sponge station both supply water.
4. Enough toilet along the whole course.
5. Many cheerleaders, many volunteers.
6. Too many runners, over 15,000, started at the same time.

My running
1. Thanks to Boo to start w/ me for 7.5k.
2. Thanks Sigma HRM didn't make any trouble at the critical timing.
3. The average HR is 160, an important reference in my future marathon.
4. Met Mr 溫, who born at 1937 and PR was 337 at 1998, at 15k.
5. Felt legs stiff after 32k, and became slow.
6. Re-speeded up after 35k, the 環東大道 return point, and passed many preceeding runners.
7. Met 永和俞錫能 at 地下道. He called me first.
8. 抽筋 appeared at out of 地下道. Overcame in one minute.
9. Finished in strong shape.
10. Disappointed did not enter 400, even 405 is a PR.
11. Really RAN a marathon.

1. Yasso 800 works. I need more speed training.
2. Should add training strength.
3. Easy run will be 10k/h; tempo will be at least 12k/h; treadmill long run will be above 11k/h.
4. Next target is YonHo riverside marathon at end of Feb, 10 weeks away.
