星期日, 8月 15, 2010

2010 226 Base 3-2

S: 2000, 2000, 1500
B: 烏塗, 烏塗, 雙平, 姑娘廟
R: 23k, 10k, 8k, 7k

計時車水壺架的螺絲又闖禍了.  說的好像不是自己的錯?  Bruce 交代不可以鎖太緊, 以免重蹈螺絲斷裂的覆轍.  結果, 沒鎖緊的螺絲掉在路上, 讓我又損失ㄧ個水壺.  也讓我重新思考這個供水系統, 應該要重新設計了.

4 則留言:

Johnny Chen 提到...

I recently added the same cages for my road bike to carry 5 bottles.

Haven't had issues don't feel confident with them.

Much happier with Hydro Tail. Though it starts to have issue after 3 years.

Jack 提到...

5 bottles? Are you a camal to cross a desert? There are many 7-11 on my bike course. I don't have to carry much water w/ me.

Johnny Chen 提到...

Hotter n Hell is a 102-mile bike course designed for 10000+ riders; i.e., it takes many minutes to walk from course to refill station.

Also, not having to stop gives me more choices on packs, which is crucial for the last 20 miles, where many accidents happen.

I envy your having 7-11's.

Jack 提到...

102 miles need lots of water & fuel. Be careful my boy.

There are only 250 racers in Taidong 226. But we still have many 7-11 on this bike course.